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Educalingo en dic en Meaning of zigzag in the English dictionary educalingo WHAT DOES ZIGZAG MEAN IN ENGLISH A zigzag is a pattern made up of small corners at variable angles though constant within the zigzag tracing a path between two

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The Free Dictionary zigzag Zigzag definition of zigzag by The Free Dictionary Define zigzag zigzag synonyms zigzag pronunciation zigzag translation English dictionary definition of zigzag n 1 a A line or course that proceeds by sharp turns

Dictionary browse Zigzag ZIGZAG Definition Meaning Dictionary com Zigzag definition a line course or progression characterized by sharp turns first to one side and then to the other See examples of ZIGZAG used in a sentence

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Zigzag Meaning Translations Collins English Dictionary

Collins Dictionary dictionary english ZIGZAG definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary A zigzag is a line which has a series of angles in it like a continuous series of 39 W 39 s They staggered in a zigzag across the tarmac a zigzag pattern If you zigzag

Zigzag Meaning Translations Collins English Dictionary

Cambridge Dictionary dictionary english ZIGZAG English meaning Cambridge Dictionary Get a quick free translation ZIGZAG definition 1 a line or pattern that looks like a Z or a row of Zs joined together 2 a situation in which Learn more

A series of short lines inclined at angles in alternate directions a line or course having sharp turns of this kind concrete something characterized by such lines or turns Originally in in zigzag French en zigzag

Collins Dictionary us dictionary ZIGZAG Definition Translations Collins English Dictionary A complete guide to the word ZIGZAG definitions pronunciations synonyms grammar insights collocations examples and translations

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